We Stand America : Private VIP Reception

The TAKE ACTION TOUR is on a mission to restore POWER to People. Your voice only matters when you TAKE ACTION and speak up with authority! The TAKE ACTION TOUR stands firm on five key Domestic Security pillars:

  • Border Law Enforcement; the essence of domestic security.
  • Election Integrity; the critical component to ensure suffrage.
  • Constitutional Fluency to assert civil rights.
  • Education Restoration, presenting facts not fiction.
  • Biblical Citizenship is the foundation of a thriving society.

The McAllen, TX event is a 3 day event that will focus on Border Law Enforcement and the direct connection to Election Integrity from a Biblical worldview. Purchase of the ticket to this event also includes a Platinum ticket to the event taking place the next day at the Payne Arena.

Private VIP Fundraising Reception 01/28/2022
McAllen, TX   4:00 - 11:00 PM Private Ranch

Private VIP party at an exclusive TX ranch with speakers, photo opportunities, mingling, dancing, food, cocktails, and a private border tour with Mr. Tom Homan, General M. Flynn, Mrs. Christie Hutcherson, Hon. Mark Finchem, Mr. Mark Morgan, Rear Adm. Chuck Kubic, and other border/ national security experts. Full VIP access all weekend, with front row seating, and front of the line for Sundays’ car caravan. Will include T-Shirt, 2 meal tickets, 4 drink tickets, priority bathrooms, and backstage access, Commemorative lanyard, Priority VIP parking, dedicated VIP Entrance, and 30 min early entry. For more information please contact us at 1-833-733-5130

Payne Arena - Maine Event 01/29/2022 10:00 am
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM Payne Arena, Hidalgo TX
Main Event with live music, experts in National Security 
and Election integrity. We will end the event with music 
and an action plan designed to stand against Tyranny.


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